Manual Caching in the download folder

(imported topic written by jpeppers91)

I have an issue where we manually cache a file as a Sha1 and deploy the job, after it completes all is good. When we go to deploy another job we get a download failed because the file for sha1 is removed. Any way to prevent it from deleting in the cache folder or are we going to have to copy back in the cache folder for every new job that is created.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

  1. You could increase the cache size on the server might be the easiest.

  2. Another option is to put it in an Uploads directory and change your Fixlet download location. For instance you can put the file in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\Name_of_folder\name_of_package.exe

You can then change your Fixlet to download it from:


This will keep it permanently in the folder.

  1. Probably the best option is to use the Software Distribution dashboard. That is in the “software distribution” site in the “Lifecycle Management” suite. I do not believe the files will be overwritten if they are uploaded from there.