I’m trying to make a Mac install package for Stata 14 with the wizard. Everything went fine, and the deployment task completed successfully, except the software isn’t installed. The folder “/Applications/Stata” is there, but it is empty. I guessed it might be the DMG file/folder, so I unpacked it and uploaded that to the server and ran it again with the same result. No software. The log file isn’t anything that is helpful since there are actually no errors in it. How does one create a software deployment fixlet/task for installing a piece of software on the Mac?
Here is what the wizard produced…
prefetch Stata14Extracted.tmp sha1:6e47bdbe12184eabcf326931ef4dff000fbd22b7 size:359678489 http://iem.domain.com:12345/Uploads/6e47bdbe12184eabcf326931ef4dff000fbd22b7/Stata14Extracted.tmp sha256:24bffeab76d75aa222c231d389f05176fced23a8c3adeaec285345b2f4539076
wait mkdir -p "/Applications/Stata"
createfile until END
cp -Rfp “{pathname of client folder of current site & “/__Download/Stata 14 Extracted”}” "/Applications/Stata"
move __createfile copyFiles.sh
wait /bin/sh “{pathname of client folder of current site & “/copyFiles.sh”}”
// FOLDER PACKAGE INSTALLS (.pkg, and .mpkg)
if {(not active of action OR ((exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.mpkg” OR name of it ends with “.pkg”) of it)) of folder ("/Applications/Stata"))}
wait installer -pkg “/Applications/Stata/Stata 14 Extracted” -target /
elseif {exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.app” AND exists folder “Contents” whose (exist file “PkgInfo” whose (exists line whose (it = “APPLVISX”) of it) of it) of it) of folder ("/Applications/Stata")}
appendfile tell application "/Applications/Stata/Stata 14 Extracted"
appendfile DoInstall
appendfile quit
appendfile end tell
wait /bin/sh -c “iconv -f UTF-8 -t macintosh {concatenation " " of substrings separated by " " of pathname of client folder of current site}/__appendfile > {concatenation " " of substrings separated by " " of pathname of client folder of current site}/doinstall.txt”
run “{posix path of framework folder & “/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Support/LaunchCFMApp”}” “{(pathname of parent folder of it & “/” & name of it & “/Contents/MacOSClassic/” & preceding text of first “.app” of name of it) of folder whose (name of it ends with “.app”) of folder (”/Applications/Stata")}"
wait /bin/sh -c “osascript {concatenation " " of substrings separated by " " of pathname of client folder of current site}/doinstall.txt”
elseif {(not active of action OR ((exists folder whose (name of it ends with “.app”) of it)) of folder ("/Applications/Stata"))}
wait sh -c “rm '/Applications/{name whose (it ends with “.app”) of folders of folder (”/Applications/Stata/Stata 14 Extracted")}’"
wait cp -Rfp “/Applications/Stata/Stata 14 Extracted” “/Applications”
// FILE PACKAGE INSTALLS (.pkg, and .mpkg)
elseif {(not active of action OR ((exists file whose (name of it ends with “.mpkg” OR name of it ends with “.pkg”) of it)) of folder ("/Applications/Stata"))}
wait installer -pkg “{(if (exists file whose (name of it ends with “.mpkg”) of it) then (pathname of file whose (name of it ends with “.mpkg”) of it) else (pathname of file whose (name of it ends with “.pkg”) of it)) of folder (”/Applications/Stata/")}" -target /