The fixlet “SECURITY: No Password Required on Wake From Sleep or Screen Saver” only seems to become relevenat when a user is logged in. Is this the correct behavior?
I would expect such a fixlet to behave like a Windows fixlet “Windows Security: Configure Screen Saver Settings” which does not care if a user is logged on. Agreed?
You are correct and the results are tied to the local users…
Here is the response I got from our developers:
“The preference file that controls the password requirement in OS X resides in the local Library/Preference directory of each users home directory and so the current fixlet only checks the preferences of the user currently logged which allows the client to identify what user the fixlet applies to.”
I will check with them to see if there was some sort of possibility to allow you to input the user names, but I am not sure how easy that is…
Being a OS X novice, I can only equate what we would like with what Windows / Group Policy has now. We’d like a way to enforce the setting for all current and future users. I guess a policy action would fit the bill, so perhaps this is not an issue at all. Thanks!