Looking for a good list of custom fixlets used in enterprise space

Hi all. I have been a Bigfixer for about 11 years now but have been away from the day to day for about the last 5 years or so. It is good to see a lot of familiar names here still after all this time (Ben K, Aram E.) .
I am now looking to get back into BES (or TEM, as it is now called) and am curious if there is a good list people have put together that shows real custom fixlets that help enterprises today. Simple things we used to do back in the day were disk space sizing and actions based on that size, file search and sizes for files like PST files, etc.
Honestly just looking for a consolidated list that enterprises could use to really save money by automating or proactive actions.

Anything would be helpful. Thank you all.


Actually its now IBM Endpoint Manager (IEM) :smile:

Have you taken a look at http://bigfix.me?

Thanks Alan. I did not know IBM changed it…again…The .me site look s fantastic. a lot of good content. I will be sifting through that and hope someone still has a simple list of fixlets/actions with description that I can use in my discussions around ROI, key benefits, etc.