Local time zone is not correct in BigFix console

(imported topic written by Anuj_Attree91)


“Local Time Zone” on the client systems is showing incorrectly in BES console. One thing i could understand is of DST. But why it is different in BES console?

For example, if local time zone on one client is “(GMT -6:00) Central Time (US & Canada)” then it is showing time zone in BES console as -500 (attached snapshot). Can anyone suggest why is this so and what is the solution of this problem?

Also, how can we get local time of the client apart from “LOCAL TIME ZONE”?



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Do you have the latest Microsoft DST time zone patch applied?

(imported comment written by Bill.Ehardt)

I don’t see what is wrong with it?

The time zone is -0600 normally, but subtract -1 for DST, and you get -0500.

You can probably pull time zone name, or select just the standard bias by something like this:

((string value of property “Bias” of it as floating point)/60) of select objects ("* from win32_timezone") of wmi

(imported comment written by Anuj_Attree91)

Yes, the patch already exists in the environment. If i login to a client computer and check the local time zone, it is displaying the correct one.

The problem is BigFix console is showing time zone by -1 hr difference.

Putting it simply, why the difference between console results and actual client results exists?



(imported comment written by Anuj_Attree91)

Hi WmeHardt,

Yes you’re right the DST time zone clients would reflect by 1 hour difference. Thanks for your help.

