List of all VMs without Native agents


We are using VM plugin to show all vms from ESX, we are looking for relevance or any other way, to list all the linux vms that not contain a Native agent, every relevance we were trying to use, was return the all once with the Proxy agents ids, or with the correlated device id.
Is there a way to find only the VMs that came from the vmware plugin (with Agent Type Proxy - VMware) and does not contain a Native agent?

This is easily done through WebUI :slight_smile:

The Cloud Dashboard visually depicts various Cloud resources by provider, and whether or not the Agent is installed. You can then drill-through to get a detailed list of such devices.

Alternatively, you can go directly to the Devices view, and filter on ‘Agent Status’ = “Not Installed” (with additional sub-filters on ‘Managed By’ if you have multiple plugins/providers).

See for reference.

It’s also possible do create a custom report using session relevance to list out such devices if desired.

I had the same need sometime ago for an automation I was creating and this piece of Session relevance helped:

(name of it) of bes computers whose (not correlation flag of it and agent type of it starts with "Proxy")


Wow thanks. Its seems to work fine.
My colleague, was able to find this Session relevance too:

(name of it) of bes computers with extensions whose ((extension flag of it = False) AND (correlation flag of it = False))

I was trying the first advice, but Its shown me all the cloud device… even if its agent installed on them. because there is 2 device for each “agent installed” device, there is the cloud device and the native device.

I was not able to find the “Agent status”.

If you can help me and find a session relevace that will list this devices I will be thanksfull, I was trying few days and can not find the correct session relevance that will list me those device.

I want to find the VMs that not have a Native agent (so I can go and install on them the agent)

The mechanism I was recommending above applies to the VMWare (and other) plugins (, however, it seems perhaps you are leveraging the VMWare Management Extender (Proxy Agents).

That said, it looks like you already have a couple sample session relevance queries to help with identifying these devices :slight_smile: Let us know how they work out for you!

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Worked perfect for me. Thanks!

I have a “long” query and just replaced the part after “whose”. Before I had “(Agent Type of it contains “Native”)” and the same query worked to find computers without agent.