List Installed patch Date (Time Remediated)

I am using that relevance only.How can we get the TimeRemediated column in report like below ?

When you use this fully-custom report, you have to perform your own HTML formatting. This is a development task - using the built-in reporting, you can’t get that column into the out-of-box report builder.
Here’s an example of some simple HTML table formatting, I’m afraid I won’t be able to go beyond this any time soon, but you can get some really rich formatting if you add JavaScript, dataTables, etc.

table "border=all" of (
  (tr of (td of "Fixlet" & td of "Computer" & td of "Time Remediated" & td of "Relevant") )
& concatenation of trs of 
( td of (item 0 of it as string)
  & td of (item 1 of it as string)
  & td of (item 2 of it as string)
  & td of (item 3 of it as string)
) of
( item 0 of it as string
 ,item 1 of it as string
, (if ((year of date (local time zone) of it) as integer = 1980)
then ("")
else (
(year of it as string & "/" &
month of it as two digits & "/" &
day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of it & " " &
(two digit hour of it as string & ":" &
two digit minute of it as string) of time (local time zone) of it))
of (item 2 of it as time)
, item 3 of it as string )
of (
(if (exists Name of Fixlet of it | false)
then (concatenations "%0A" of (Name of Fixlet of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists Name of Computer of it | false)
then (concatenations "%0A" of (Name of Computer of it as string))
else ("")),
(if (exists Last Became Nonrelevant of it)
then (Last Became Nonrelevant of it as string)
else ("Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000")),
(if (exists Relevant Flag of it | false)
then (concatenations "%0A" of (Relevant Flag of it as string))
else ("")))

of bes fixlets 
	whose (
		(name of site of it = "Enterprise Security"))


Example output

Thanks a lot for your quick response.
How can we get the report for baselines or sites with TimeRemediated ?

Change this filter with whatever site name your baselines are in. Baselines are a type of ‘bes fixlet’ too so they should report.

This report lists the Baselines, How would you get it to list the individual Fixlets by name?
Thank you in advance…
Paul Harrison

The individual Fixlets should already be included in the relevance I gave

Ok, we push setup baselines and push them rather than individual Fixlets. May that is why is is listing the baselines.
My example output…

ok. What would be the correct statements to get patches installed between 2 dates?
Example: Dates after 02/01/2023 and before 02/28/2023

Is there a way to simply get the Date/Time a fixlet was "installed"
In the report I need, I’m not worried about “Time Remediated” I need the the following in a report that I have to supply in an Excel spreadsheet…

Fixlet Name, Computer Name, Date/Time of Actual Installation

I have run the report above and the results I get do not match information in the Action History.
We patch quarterly, so “Relevant” and “Time Remediated” are not always accurate.

Thank you in advance…
Paul Harrison