Hi Folks, on one of my TEM 8.1 server, it showed up this message from the Bigfix License Overview:
The BES Server has gathered a new version of your platform license, but it has not yet been distributed to clients. The site administrator must log into BES Admin to propagate a new masthead with the updated license.
What are the procedures to propegate a new masthead with the updated license?
On your TEM server (formally called BES), there is a utility called BESAdmin.exe (at “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server” by default), which you’ve probably already used to create console operators.
When you run it, it will give you a prompt saying it has detected a change to your license and asks if you want to deploy the changed masthead. Simply click on yes and it will be taken care of for you.
Send an email to the license team (IBMTEMLicensing at–symbol lotus.com). They can tell you if anything changed. They will need to know:
Your license serial number
Your company name (if you have your IBM Company Number that is helpful too)
When the change occurred
There are occasions when licenses get updated but no products are changed. For instance, if we change the underlying part numbers but the product name is the same in the dashboard.