(imported comment written by Darknight)
thanks a trillion mattpeterson and JasonWalker for your extended help in making me understand the session relevance and use of custom webreport…
i have already created a report as attached which is not using the session relevance and in that report i want to add one more filed/column with the name ‘agent scan date’ which will give output on the basis if logic which i have posted in my earlier post.
so could you please let me know whether the below relevance which i have created is correct and will be able to give me the expected results :
if ((0 <= ((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) AND (((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) <= 30)) then (“Less Than 30 Days”) else if ((30 < (((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) AND (((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) <= 60)) then (“Greater than 30 Days”) else if ((60 < ((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) AND (((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) <= 90)) then (“Greater Than 60 Days”) else if (((now - (apparent registration server time)) / day) >= 90) then (“Greater Than 90 Days”) else (“error in evaluating”)
Basically i have created a analysis which contains different hadrware related properties like osrelease , osversion, disk size,number of disks etc… and i want to know what was the last time this data got fetched from particular machine ( in days format) .
For example :
This analysis contains propeties which are getting evaluated after every 15 days.
on server A analysis ran for very first time on say 1st of june 2014 and therfore the value which i am expecting will be 0 days as the data which was scanned and captured in the report is the latest one but if the same analysis is trying to fetch the data from the same server on 15th June 2014 but due to some reason this server has not reported for last 14 days , so the value which i am going to get through report this time will be 14 days as the data collected this time from the analysis will be 14 days old. so on and so forth.
Please let me know whether the above logic will be helpful in this case or is there any other logic which i can apply to get the result.Maybe something like ( current time of TEM server - current time of endpoint ) / days or ( Current time of IEM server - last report time of endpoint) / days.
Kindly advise.