It is possible to make these commands into a Fixlet?

its to install FoxIT Reader with license and also make it the default viewer

msiexec /i "\\\netlogon\Paranoids\IRM\FoxIT Reader\FoxitReader734_enu_Setup.msi" KEYPATH="\\\netlogon\ParanoidsDeployments\IRM\FoxIT Reader\key.txt" MAKEDEFAULT="1" VIEW_IN_BROWSER="1" DESKTOP_SHORTCUT="0" STARTMENU_SHORTCUT="1" LAUNCHCHECKDEFAULT="0" SAFEMODE="0" AUTO_UPDATE="0" REMOVENEWVERSION="1" /qn


It is possible to do, but I would not use the network share to do it. You would want to deploy the software with the package.

If for whatever reason it has to be from the network share, your only option is to create a NUL share, which is a bad security practice and you should have your hands slapped.

I see you have a “pause” at the end, is this required? I would remove it.

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thanks TheTick - i will remove pause but don’t think its possible if i deploy from bigfix that i can make it the default viewer

Ah that is probably a HKCU setting. If that is true, then you can do that. Search for “runascurrentuser”. There are lots of discussions around that.

I would install it using BigFix for all users, then set it as the default viewer with either another command or another action/task.

If setting it as a default viewer is a per user registry setting, then Local GPO will work best.

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