We started software deployment using BigFix. Client version When we install applilcations we also write application info to the registry that can help with reporting and also with some of our custom tools. We started to notice that on WIN7 client (yes we still have few thousand around) that we have issues writing the info. Unfortunately this is not really consistent so even harder to troubleshoot but it does gives us problems with application reporting
Logic we use is determine x32/x64 and then use REGSET | REGSET64 to write info to the registry.
The error we see in the logs is following,
Command failed (regedit process failed) regset64 “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\X&X\ApplicationsBigFix\SAPCentralPicklist]” “InstallDate”="10/01/2020 10:17:19 +0200
we need to write 4-5 values to the registry. I’ve read the documentation and advice is when writing a lot of info suggested to use REG File, but in this case as we only have few values to write not sure if that’s going to be of any help.
Troubleshooting steps
- writing/updating info to that particular machine using “reg add” works fine.
- using psexec and connecting on SYSTEM Context and writing info to the registry also works fine
- Are there any known issue like this that forum is aware?
- other best practices that can be shared
currently looking at adding info to the action script to detect if info is written correctly and if that’s not the case, try to re-write it using REG ADD or small VBScript just to be sure info is written.
Open for suggestions/ideas