Issues with Pending Message

(imported topic written by MattBoyd)

I created a task that displays a message to the user and gives them 5 minutes to log off before the action forcefully executes. The task is configured to run independently of whether or not a user is logged in. However, we have found that some machines get stuck at the “Pending Message” status until someone else logs in and the message is actually displayed.

Looking at the log, we see that the user interface is not launched:

At 13:51:38 -0400 -
User interface process unable to launch (22.1245) for user ‘’. Retrying every 30 seconds.

However, there isn’t a user logged in to the machine, so the action never seems to run, even after the 5 minute deadline. I could understand the action not running if the message cannot be displayed to a user. However, it seems like the BES client thinks that a user is logged into the machine when they actually aren’t.

Any ideas or suggestions?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi boyd,

You should check with BigFix support and see if they can help you figure this out…


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Wondering if there were any notes on this issue? I’m having same problem.

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)


I did not contact BigFix support yet because I have been fairly busy with other things and, while this is a nuisance, it only happens occasionally.

I think that it may have something to do with logging into the machine through remote desktop prior to running actions. The BES client UI seems to have trouble dealing with that. If you find out what’s causing it in your case and don’t mind posting your solution here, I would appreciate it.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey guys,

I think we figured this out… Sometimes there is a Windows login session that becomes “stranded” so that there is sort of a half-session logged in (you can see it in various tools that enumerate logged in sessions). There won’t be a username associated with this session (which is why our error message only shows user ‘’ instead of giving the name).

When our agent sees this half-session logged in, it tries to launch the ClientUI in this session, but it doesn’t work.

We are able to replicate this using various non-standard remote control tools, but we aren’t clear what other reasons might affect this.

The reports we have gotten so far have told us that this only occurs on a small number of server computers. We are working on a patch for our agent to make it smarter about detecting and handling these sessions.

Hope that helps… Our support team should have more info for you…


(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

Thanks for the follow-up Ben. I’m glad to see it’s being worked on.

(imported comment written by adaboy91)

I am also having the same issue and I have come up with a work around. I do a pre-execution action script that logs off all of the Terminal Server sessions before the patching starts. I use a free utility to it called Tslogoff since the built in windows command Logoff requires you to specify the session ID you want to loggof. With Tslogoff I just say “tslogoff *” which will log off all TS sessions.

(imported comment written by sstroffo91)

We had to implement a custom restart task using shutdown.exe with the below action which seems to help and will be tested further this month with patching. We do have a case open for Pending Message, but is there any ETA on an actual fix for this one?

//Action Begin

// Various shutdown (restart) options for OS’s based on the availability of shutdown.exe

// The BigFix restart command is also used and will run in all cases (e.g. shutdown.exe may run as well as BigFix restart.)

IF {(name of it = “Win2003” or name of it = “Win2008” OR (name of it = “WinVista” AND product type of it != nt workstation product type)) of Operating System}

IF {exists file “shutdown.exe” of system x64 folder}

//note using dos as opposed to run for issues where process can not be created against shutdown.exe and line could fail

dos cmd /c “{pathname of file “shutdown.exe” of system x64 folder}” /r /t 60 /d P:0:0


ELSEIF {(name of it = “Win2000”) of Operating System}

IF {Exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Reskit\NameSpace\Windows 2000 Resource Kit” whose (exists value “InstallDir” of it AND exists file (value “InstallDir” of it as string & “shutdown.exe”)) of Registry}

dos cmd /c “{value “InstallDir” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Reskit\NameSpace\Windows 2000 Resource Kit” of registry as string & “shutdown.exe”}” /r /t:60



// Above lines would have issued shutdown.exe from appropriate OS

// Below line will issue a BigFix restart command in all cases (as a 2nd measure to get OS’s to restart.)

restart 60

//Action End


(imported comment written by BenKus)

I believe they are finishing up final testing now and you should see an announcement shortly…


(imported comment written by EspenD91)

Looking forward to that! We have struggled with this issue to day. Server “hangs” on Pending Message. When logging in, shutdown continues and the server reboots.

Espen Dahl.


(imported comment written by EspenD91)

And btw most of these servers have Radmin installed.

(imported comment written by ggerling91)

I would like to add that we are also experiencing this issue with desktops and laptops. Is the fix just for the servers or for all machines?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

The fix is for all agents to ignore the stranded sessions…

The new patched version is being released right now and you should see the Fixlets, website, and announcement shortly.
