Is there any way to see what duration a user chose to "snooze" an action

I cannot find anything in the client log nor in Windows Event viewer showing what option a user selected to snooze an action for. Does anyone have any idea? End Point clients are reunning version

On Windows systems, it’s in the Registry.
I have a 64bit Win8.1 system, and I see the values under…


32bit systems would find it under


There are two values.

  • PostponedActionReminderIntervalSeconds
  • PostponedActionReminderTime

@TimRice, I found another forum post that refers to the registry key’s value as a bitshifted value (Message popup and postpone). I am unable to determine what the value or data type of the registry key containing the value “PostponedActionRemindTime” in order to convert it to hex, dec. and then UTC time, would you happen to know how what the data type is for that value and possibly suggest how to convert it? (I am using Powershell).
Thank you!

The time written for PostponedActionRemindTime is the following:

 ( time  - Jan 1 1970 GMT) / seconds

so you should be able to convert it back up