Is there a way to avod the duplucate computers for the relevance query

Hello, We are using the below relevance query:
item 0 of it as string & “@$@” &
item 1 of it as string & “@$@” &
item 2 of it as string & “@$@” &
item 3 of it as string & “@$@” &
item 4 of it as string & “@$@” &
item 5 of it as string & “@$@” &
item 6 of it as string
) of (
id of item 0 of it as string | “”,
name of item 0 of it as string | “”,
hostname of item 0 of it as string | “”,
(if (exists ip address of it) then (concatenation “;“
of (ip addresses of it as string))
else(””)) of item 0 of it,
operating system of item 0 of it as string | “”,
((year of it as string & “-” & month of it as two digits & “-” &
day_of_month of it as two digits) of date(local time zone) of it & " " &
(two digit hour of it as string & “:” & two digit minute of
it as string & “:” & two digit second of it as string)
of time (local time zone) of it) of last report time of item 0 of it,
value of result (item 0 of it, item 1 of it) as string | “NONE”
of (bes computers, bes property “C_Code”)

to get the list of computers associated for a given c_code. This relevance query returns the duplicate entry, when the BigFIx agent installed multiple time. Is there a way to ignore the duplicate computer entry with relevance?

Looks like the only way to fix this is, to cleanup the duplicate entry in the BigFix server manually. Any help is appreciated.