Is Multiple filters with "and" and "or"? possible in Webreports?

Hi does anyone have any idea on how to create a custom report with multiple filters?

I want a report that basicaly has

Computers not in compliance Report

Computer Name
Software 1 version
Software 2 version
Software 3 version

OS include Win
Software 1 not on ver 111
Software 2 not on ver 111
Software 3 not on ver 111

Basicaly I was to combine and and or in my filter. And I onlt see an option in web reports for AND or OR. Any ideas?

Thanks Rene

On the line where you define your search parameter there is a link labeled “add clause”. I believe this is what you’re looking for?

The “add clause” will help in some instances most likely not in this situation…

For @renehasp 's instance, it would probably have to be the following for it to work.

OS include Win
Software 1 not on ver 111
Software 1 not on ver 112
Software 1 not on ver 113

It would be nice to be able to mix and match AND and OR enclosed in parenthesis but I don’t believe that is available out of the box.

I coudl be wrong but as an alternative you will probably going to have to write your custom relevance where you can enclose statements within parenthesis.

It should work as shown below.

EDIT: I see actually that he wants three different properties to be the OR.

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yes, but looks like the software versions he wants is for different types of software.

In your example it would be something like.

OS contains Win
DNS Name contains PROD
IP Address contains 192.168

Then in that case, the analysis would need to be customized to get the result based on OS before it hits the web reports. The only other way I could think to do it is via session relevance where the request is customized.

This is a REALLY rough write-up but something along these lines:

(names of it, values of bes property "software 1" whose (value of it is not "111") OR values of bes property  "software 2" whose (version of it is not "111") OR values of bes property  "software 3" whose (version of it is not "111") of bes computers whose (operating system of it contains "Win")

There is probably a much better way to do it but hopefully that gets you started.