Integration Iem-Cognos

I try to find information about making reports in Cognos relevance of iem.thanks for him ,if anyone has some information.

I need :

packages of cognos for iem.
relevances of iem for reports in cognos.

In order to use Cognos to generate reports using data from IEM, you would have to build a custom process to extract IEM data via the SOAP API, REST API or DB queries. Once the desired data is in Cognos, then I believe it is standard Cognos functionality to build reports. If you know what data you want to pull, then we can probably assist with relevance queries to pull the data. To get that data into Cognos properly, I suspect you would need to work with a Cognos partner or services group.

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Can you explain what you mean by: packages of cognos for iem

Do you mean you are looking for Cognos plugins for integrating with IEM?

Can you provide links to Cognos documentation related to what you are talking about? Any related links or documentation in general?

Most on this forum know BigFix/IEM and not Cognos. It doesn’t mean that we can’t help, but we are going to need more information.

What do you mean by: relevances of iem for reports in cognos

Can you provide specific examples?

In general are you trying to get data from IEM into Cognos or data from Cognos to influence IEM?

Cognos -> Webservices (webreport) -> iem.

I want to write relevance of iem in cognos. i don´t know config cognos for webservices of webreport.

thanks for all

You can write session relevance queries against either the REST API of IEM, or the SOAP API. This would be the best option to get the same data that you would see in Web Reports into something else.

i ´m to config Ibm Cognos view Manager , i read to connect to webservices. when i make it , write here result.

thanks for all

I’m still not certain what you are asking.

Can you provide screenshots and links to related cognos documentation?

i have this documentation :

Instalation after cognos:

Config wsdl for data source:

framework manager for cube structure data for reports:

comment of user about config webservices as data source:

wish you worth. i make to congif virtual to webservices of webreport, but don´t play with it.

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