I’m running a session relevance query in WebReports like this:
(names of it, ((names of it, relevances of it) of source fixlets of components whose (type of source fixlet of it = "Task") of component groups of it)) of bes fixlets whose (type of it = "Baseline" AND name of site of it contains "Patching")
…and the output around the fixlet name and relevance is surrounded by parenthesis. I think I understand why that is, but is there anyway to prevent it?
You’re getting that because you have a tuple result; difficult to see without a copy/paste of actual results.
You could try concatenating these together into a string -
(item 0 of it & “;” & item 1 of it) of (names of it, ((name of it & concatenation “” of relevances of it) of source fixlets of components whose (type of source fixlet of it = “Task”) of component groups of it)) of bes fixlets whose (type of it = “Baseline” AND name of site of it contains “Patching”)
I’m trying to get the 1)name of the baseline, 2) name of the components of the baseline, 3) relevance of the components of the baseline .
this works great. thanks
(item 0 of it & "," & item 1 of it) of (names of it, ((name of it & "," & concatenation "" of relevances of it) of source fixlets of components whose (type of source fixlet of it = "Task") of component groups of it)) of bes fixlets whose (type of it = "Baseline" AND name of site of it contains "Patching")