Inserted paranethesis

I’m running a session relevance query in WebReports like this:

(names of it, ((names of it, relevances of it) of source fixlets of components whose (type of source fixlet of it = "Task") of component groups of it)) of bes fixlets whose (type of it = "Baseline" AND name of site of it contains "Patching")

…and the output around the fixlet name and relevance is surrounded by parenthesis. I think I understand why that is, but is there anyway to prevent it?

current output:

<baselinename>, ( <fixletname>, (<fixletrelevance> ) )

What kind of output would you like to get in the final result? It might be easier to start there and work backwards.

Do you have a mockup or a screenshot of something similar?

You’re getting that because you have a tuple result; difficult to see without a copy/paste of actual results.

You could try concatenating these together into a string -

(item 0 of it & “;” & item 1 of it) of (names of it, ((name of it & concatenation “” of relevances of it) of source fixlets of components whose (type of source fixlet of it = “Task”) of component groups of it)) of bes fixlets whose (type of it = “Baseline” AND name of site of it contains “Patching”)

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I’m trying to get the 1)name of the baseline, 2) name of the components of the baseline, 3) relevance of the components of the baseline .

this works great. thanks

(item 0 of it & "," & item 1 of it) of (names of it, ((name of it & "," & concatenation "" of relevances of it) of source fixlets of components whose (type of source fixlet of it = "Task") of component groups of it)) of bes fixlets whose (type of it = "Baseline" AND name of site of it contains "Patching")