Incremental Data pull for fixlet information

(imported topic written by sandeepsinghal91)

Hi ,

We are using the following query to get a list of fixlets/patches that were recently updated in Bigfix.

SELECT sn.undecoratedsitename as sitename, sn.siteid as siteid, as fixletid, as fixletname, eod.creationtime FROM external_object_defs eod, sitenamemap sn WHERE eod.sitename = sn.sitename AND (eod.isfixlet = 1) AND eod.sequence  > n

Where n is an longint we store as a reference to the last object pulled by us.

However, it appears that when Bigfix is refreshing the fixlet data in this table for all the rows instead of just the new ones. Everyday, in the table, we see a new “createtime” for the rows in external_object_defs.

And hence we end up pulling all the information instead of the delta information.

Can you let me know why do we get a new create_time even for the old objects in this table ? and if there is a way to accurately find only the “changed” objects in this table ?



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi sandeep,

I believe that the Fixlets are all “touched” each time a new Fixlet site is gathered… But in any event, I don’t recommend you continue with this approach since it won’t work for the reason you mentioned and also we might change the underlying database tables at some point that will interfere with your script…

Check out this thread for more info on finding new and modified Fixlets:


(imported comment written by sandeepsinghal91)

Thanks Ben - The alternate approach definitely looks like something we can do.

However, is there is short term fix that you can suggest where we can pick the ids of fixlet from the database that have changed since the last time ?

