Importing .bes file in IEM CLI

When i try to import a bes file say 3634140.bes i use the below bigfix query

iem login --Server=w.x.y.z --User=“abc” --Password=“abc” > C:\temp\3634140.txt & iem post “C:\Users\hcl_svc_itpam\Documents\3634140.bes” actions >> C:\temp\3634140.txt & type C:\temp\3634140.txt

But after executing it is asking for a yes/no like this

The security certificate used by w.x.y.z is not trusted. Do you want to trust security certificates signed by ABC when connecting to w.x.y.z ?[Y/N]:

Is there anyway to stop prompting or how can i pass yes in the bigfix query itself

Thanks in advance

Try using the --masthead command line parameter and point to your Root Server’s masthead to prevent displaying the certificate trust prompt in cases where you are using a self-signed certificate. Please see for more information.