I read through the documentation it shows how to setup a server but not a clear way to import the Authorization file (*.BESLicenseAuthorization) into an existing Bigfix Server purchased from an third party like Trend Micro.
I tried importing the .exfm files but my console still shows the Trend Micro not licensed.
Also when I run the setup file Trend-BES-8.0.627.0.exe obtained from Trend Micro from their site I get this message (screen shot of setup attached) but I do not want to proceed without understanding exactly how it would affect my existing Bigfix install.
I’m not able to see the attachment you referenced.
I suspect this is a licensing issue rather than an installer issue. If you already have BigFix installed, you shouldn’t need to run any more installers.
You mentioned that you have an existing BigFix install – do you know what version you are running? 7.2 or 8.0?
Earlier this year, we released a capability to license specific sites, not just the core platform, so it’s possible that your license has not yet been extended to the Core Protection Module collection of sites.
If you have a valid deployment license and the Core Protection Module is showing up in the License Overview as unlicensed, then it’s likely that the Licensing team needs to modify your license to give you access to the CPM site.
Did you purchase BigFix via Trend Micro? If so, their Licensing team should be able to help you resolve this. Let me know if you have any trouble and I can help facilitate the process.
Also, branding is the only difference between the version you would obtain from Trend versus what you would obtain directly from BigFix – everything else is the same.
I have version 7.2 licence and it needs to be modified to include the CPM licences purchased from Trend.
I have sent a request to Paul in Bigfix licensing to modify the Bigfix license so will wait to hear from him since he had issued the licence originally.