IBM BigFIx Self Service Application and Profile Management are Now Available

The latest versions of Windows and Mac OS provide a variety of new features and functions that optimize security and enhance the end-user experience. As these Operating systems evolve, BigFix is keeping pace by delivering two new categories of operational control, available to All BigFix Lifecycle customers: The BigFix Self Service Application and BigFix Profile Management

The IBM Bigfix team is excited to announce the release of The BigFix Self Service Application!

Our new Self-Service Application provides a simple, modern graphical interface for end-users to initiate software installs, re-configure settings, remove software, or select from any other BigFix action deployed as an Offer. The Self-Service Application includes live search, icon support, enhanced progress reporting, category filtering; and effectively replaces the existing Software Distribution Offers Client Dashboard and the ClientUI Offers & Progress tabs.

The WebUI Software Distribution, Custom and Common apps have also been updated to enable attaching icons to Software packages and additional Offer deployment options to facilitate use of new Self-Service Application capabilities.

Our new Self Service Application provides value for customers in several ways:

  • Allows for re-use of pre-existing BigFix automation
  • Empowers end-users and increases productivity
  • Improves the efficiency and delivery of software and services
  • Reduces Helpdesk requests for commonly requested apps/services

For additional Self-Service Application info and documentation, see:

Actions to take:
Updated WebUI and SWD sites will be gathered and loaded automatically. To deploy the Self-Service Application, run the Self-Service Application deployment Fixlets located in the IBM BigFix Software Distribution, site 77

Published Site Versions:
Software Distribution, site 77
WebUI Common, site 37
WebUI Custom, site 12
WebUI SWD, site 13

Thank you.
IBM BigFix Team

The IBM BigFix team is very pleased to announce the release of BigFix Profile Management!

BigFix Profile Management is an automated, simple, WebUI-based feature that allows Administrators to enforce security settings on Windows 10 and Mac OS X desktop and laptop devices. Security settings are divided into four main categories (Password/Passcode, Device Security, App Security, and Restrictions) allowing for maximum flexibility. Administrators define profiles that enforce one or more categories of settings and deploy them to devices to ensure continuous compliance.

More specifically, Profile Management is a high value solution that offers the following features:

  • Security Administrators can establish and enforce different levels of security: the security posture of the entire organization is enforced by creating and deploying corporate profiles containing the minimal set of common security settings. At the department level, local Administrators can create and deploy additional profiles with settings that are more restrictive than the minimal set enforced at the corporate level.
  • Supports creation and deployment of profiles to Windows 10 and Mac OS X devices
  • Ensures continuous enforcement by automatically reapplying profiles to devices that become noncompliant
  • Administrators can reset the security configuration on specific devices when they must be assigned to different departments or when security policies change at the local or corporate level
  • Administrators can create new copies of existing profiles to change a subset of security settings.

You can find more information about BigFix Profile Management at the following link:

Actions to take:
BigFix Lifecycle customers will automatically gather and enable the WebUI Profile Management site. Operator access to Profile Management can be adjusted via Operator and Role definitions in the BigFix Console.

Published Site Versions:
WebUI Profile Management, site 1

Thank you,
IBM BigFix Team


Check that link for the users guide. I see dropboxes to chooose version and language, but no link to the guide.




clicking on the arrow on the right-up side of page should navigate trough the guide.

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