IBM BigFix Patch: Patches for Ubuntu now supports Ubuntu 1604

IBM BigFix is pleased to announced that it has extended its support to include Ubuntu 16.04.

Actions to take:
Gather the Patches for Ubuntu 1604 site, version 2.

Published site version:
Patches for Ubuntu 1604 site, version 2.

Additional links:

Application Engineering Team
IBM BigFix


How long should this take to show up in license overview?

Assuming your server has already downloaded the updated license (can be verified by checking the License Overview, and looking for the message “Site certificate update detected, BESAdmin must be run to propagate the change”…and if it hasn’t, you can have it immediately check for an updated license by clicking “Check for license update”), then be sure to follow the process described here to distribute the license, and update the dashboard:

The besrelay.log on the Root Server may also have useful information (keyword: LicenseUpdater).

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Finally got it. Had to update and propagate the license.

Any idea what would cause this issue?

Id: 766 Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 01:26:25 +0000
Error Message: 766: class NoAuthorizedSignature (class X509VerifyError<20>)