How to write a script for IIS Properties

(imported topic written by jskim91)

Need help on modify In IIS enable log visits under the home directory tab

Enable Use Local time for file naming and rollover under the general properties tab of the default FTP site

Select the following under extended properties

Bytes received

Bytes sent


Time taken

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi jskim,

BigFix has built in relevance inspectors for the metabase to read the IIS settings, but if you want to change them, you will need to find a utility or a script that can modify the metabase. Are you familiar with the metabase (which is like the registry for IIS).

Here is some information regarding the metabase inspectors:

So your goal will be to:

  • Write relevance to detect when each of the configurations are not set to the right values.
  • Find a way to change the values from the command line.

Does anyone have a handy metabase editing utility?
