How to set up policy action to group with no current targets

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hi All,

I am trying to set up a policy action that targets a specific group which currently has no targets but I get the message “No computers are currently in the Target tab…”. Is there any way to accomplish this without having any targets?


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

On the target tab, you could use the middle radio radio “All computers with the property values selected in the tree below” and then filter down to your group.

Note that a client that may not be in the group right now but is before the action starts will become a target, because this Target Option isn’t a static list of clients, but a dynamic list of clients that the property is true on.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

smacks head

Thanks, having a lack of coffee moment. I was sure it could be done, but did not see it.


PS, can I delete this post :wink: