How to find in which baseline specific fixlet is located?

We have issue that someone is pushing specific fixlet but we do not know from which baseline.
Is there a way to search for specific fixlet and see to which baseline it belongs? So we would like to know baseline membership of specific fixlet.

Thanks A.

There are going to be many ways to do this, but here’s the most efficient I could quickly come up with.

 (id of item 0 of it, name of item 0 of it, name of site of item 0 of it) of ( bes baselines, it) whose (set of source fixlets of components of component groups of item 0 of it contains item 1 of it) of fixlet whose (id of it = 7051431) of bes sites whose (name of it = "Updates for Windows Applications")
A: 946823, req - Install Java JRE 8 Update 192, CM_Windows

This one is looking for fixlet 7051431 from “Updates for Windows Applications”, and looking up any baselines that contain this fixlet.

This is Session Relevance, which you can run in the BigFix Console Presentation Debugger, the REST API, or the Web Reports QNA page. Let us know if you need some more details on how to do Session Relevance queries.

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your reply. I tried this is Presentation Debugger and also in Web Reports QNA and I am getting this in both.

Error: The operator “fixlet” is not defined.

I am replacing ID that I am searching for and also bes sites I am searching it in. Do you know what it can be wrong with it?

Thanks A

Sounds like some kind of parentheses mismatch. If you want to post your query I’ll take a look, otherwise I think “fixlet” is not referring to “of bes sites whose()” properly.

Hey Jason

This is the error I’m getting - The operator “bes sites” is not defined.

See my previos post, this is used in Session Relevance, not in Client Relevance. It’s for Web Reports, or the RESTAPI, or Dashboards; it won’t work on the client or Fixlet Debugger (because these don’t host the BES database)

Hi @JasonWalker,

i tried that relevance and getting Error: Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.

no change except the ID and site name


The session relevance given works for me - assuming I give it the name and site of a fixlet that is in a baseline.

It does gyp if I give it the id of a fixlet I don’t have in any baseline, although the reason isn’t instantly obvious.

As an alternative, try

		id of it , name of it , name of site of it 
	of bes fixlets 
		baseline flag of it 
		exists component 
			name of it = "<exact fixlet name>" 
		of component groups of it 
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HI @trn, this works thanks much