How often do clients evaluate relevance of a custom site?

We’ve recently changed the relevance of one of our custom sites, I have a few questions I was hoping someone could provide information on:

  1. At what interval do clients evaluate if they are part of a site?
  2. Is there an action that can force clients to re-evaluate site membership?
  3. Is there a way to see all devices that are not part of a list of sites?


The subscription relevance (the relevance that determines if an endpoint is subscribed to a site) is evaluated every cycle through the fixlets on the endpoint. These are actions in the master actionsite that are evaluated and checked for relevance to see if they should execute to either subscribe or unsubscribe to a site.

Note that even if your relevance in the subscription action says to subscribe, if the masthead for the site has relevance that says you shouldn’t be (so if one says for Mac OSX machines and the other for Windows machines) then you may be “subscribed” to the site but you will never fetch the content.