(imported topic written by nmiranda3691)
I’m trying to disable the Wireless Nic card when a laptop or device connects to our (LAN) hardwire Network environment and when they disconnect from our Network (LAN) yes to enable it once again.
(imported topic written by nmiranda3691)
I’m trying to disable the Wireless Nic card when a laptop or device connects to our (LAN) hardwire Network environment and when they disconnect from our Network (LAN) yes to enable it once again.
(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
You can utilize the netsh command to accomplish this… http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/netsh.mspx?mfr=true
netsh interface set interface DISABLED
//For example to disable an interface with its default name “Local Area Connection,†run:
netsh interface set interface “Local Area Connection†DISABLED
//To enable the interface, you’d then run:
netsh interface set interface “Local Area Connection†ENABLED
(imported comment written by JackCoates91)
you could probably copy an analysis created by the Location Property wizard to start from.
(imported comment written by rdamours91)
Have you tried the setting on the nic in Windows 7? I’ll double check but we have used it and it can be found on the properties on the nics I believe and is named under something along the lines of prefer wired connection when present over wireless or something along those lines.
It disables the wireless nic when in a docking station or cabled in and turns it back on when you unplug it.
If you are not Windows 7 yet then something along the same lines can be done with a supplicant wireless client like Funk Odyssey, etc.
So far so good on our Windows 7 pilot. We must have a copuple of thousand done and are testing it in diffrent scenarios with our in house apps, etc.