How can I get support for RedHat or Solaris?


How can I get support for different os(AIX, Red Hat, Solaris) into my BigFix console. I know there are two options. Masthead file and subscribe page.

Where I can download this masthead file for Red Hat or Solaris? It need to download from official page of Red Hat and Solaris or I have to buy it over IBM vendor.

When show me subscribe page in section licenses dashboard of BigFix console for specific type of os?

Example if I have Red Hat client and I bought license for Lifecycle management, I automaticaly get support for RedHat and show me subscribe page in console? Similarly with Solaris client and its support? So support for AIX, Red Hat, Solaris or other is all include in price of license for client regardless at type of os on client?

Thank you for every advice.

The content that you can subscribe to (and it has to be done from the Licensing Dashboard in the Console by a Master Operator) depends on what you purchased

If you purchased Patch then you should have patch sites available for the platforms you mentioned. You’d have to activate the sites in the Licensing dashboard then subscribe your endpoints to the sites. In the case of both RedHat and Solaris I believe you have to configure a download plugin as both of those vendors have subscriptions for their patches.