How BigFix manage Windows patches?

Dear Users,

can I ask you how BigFix manage the new windows patches?
I mean, if Windows release a new patch/hotfix to replace an old patch, can BigFix trace this information?

For example, If I will install the new patch (A) that includes or integrate the old version (B), will BigFix alert me that I have not installed on my endpoints the older version (B), despite I already installed the new version (A)?

Second question: is BigFix based on the official repository of the most important SO provider (Microsoft, Linux, and more), or is based on a custom repository?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Bigfix marks the older fixlets as Superseded. The detection logic would also generally make an older patch non-relevant if a newer version is installed.

Yes, the content team uses the official download repositories for patch downloads, and the official release bulletins to determine applicability; but not the default detection xml file in case of windows ( Instead the Bigfix team examines the patch content and release notes to determine individual file version numbers, which usually results in a better detection result than Windows Update. We frequently find cases where Windows Update indicates a patch is already installed, but Bigfix correctly finds it to be Relevant again because another product has overwritten one of the patched files with an earlier version.

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Thanks a lot for your answer Jason!