Hide completion message for actions

How do I hide an action’s completion message? I have nothing set for Post-Action, but still a message is shown for 5 seconds or so.

I want to do this because the app I’m installing never reports that its complete, so if I wait for it (either in Action Script or Powershell), the message while running the action never goes away.


Is BigFix displaying a message, or is your app doing something to display it? Check whether you have “Display a message while running” selected in the action settings dialog.

JasonWalker, yes I have 'display a message while running" selected and configured. Does that option also enable a completion message?

No, but your symptom sounds more like a “Running” message rather than a “Completion” message, if it’s dismissing itself after a few seconds.

A “Completion” message would more likely need the user to click something to dismiss it.

JasonWalker, thanks. I’ll take a look the next time I push those tasks with a new action. It’s possible that two actions ran over top of each other, but I’ll double check the next time.

JasonWalker, I confirmed that I get a completion message even though I have no completion message set in the action. This is a Windows notification message sent by BigFix, not a BigFix window/dialog.

Here’s my entire bes (with our confidential details removed):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">
		<Title>Install AutoCAD 2020 Electrical</Title>
		<Relevance><![CDATA[((/* Windows only */ windows of operating system) AND (/* Windows Vista/7 or higher */ version of operating system >= "6.1")) AND (/* Ensure Powershell executable exists */ exists file ((it as string) of value "Path" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell" of registry))]]></Relevance>
		<ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell"><![CDATA[//disable wow64 redirection on 64-bit operating systems
action uses wow64 redirection {not x64 of operating system}

//delete existing createfile
delete __createfile

//start new createfile by streaming lines of the powershell file
createfile until END_OF_FILE
	Install AutoCAD 2020 Electrical

# Network Share reference: (redacted)
# user = "(redacted)"

[string]$sourceDrive = "(redacted)"
[string]$sourceServer = "(redacted)"
[string]$source = "$sourceServer\(redacted)\ACAD2020E"
[string]$destination = "C:\ACAD2020E"

[string]$user = "(redacted)"
[string]$password = "(redacted)"

#connect to share, test mapped drive letter first
if (-NOT(Test-Path -Path $sourceDrive))
	#test for network share path
	if (-NOT(Test-Path -Path $sourceServer))
		#both mapped drive and network share path do not work, so connect to share manually
			net use $sourceServer $password /USER:$user | out-null
			#user might not be connected to VPN, so show error and exit script with error
			$errorMsg = $_.Exception.Message
			Write-Output $errorMsg -ErrorAction Stop
	$sourceServer = $sourceDrive

#copy files from the share to the local drive
Copy-Item -Path $source -Recurse -Destination $destination -Container -Force | out-null

#launch installer
Start-Process -FilePath "$destination\Img\Setup.exe" -ArgumentList "/qb /I $destination\Img\(redacted)_AutoCAD_2020_Electrical.ini /Trial /language en-us"

//delete existing powershell file if any, then move createfile to that name
delete powershell.ps1
move __createfile powershell.ps1

wait { pathname of file ((it as string) of value "Path" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell" of native registry) } -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File powershell.ps1]]></ActionScript>
		<SuccessCriteria Option="RunToCompletion"></SuccessCriteria>
			<ActionUITitle>Install AutoCAD 2020 Electrical</ActionUITitle>
				<Text>This task will install the AutoCAD 2020 Electrical application. Please click on "Take Action" when ready. IMPORTANT: You must be connected to VPN before you continue.</Text>
				<Text>Now copying AutoCAD 2020 Electrical install files. This make take quite a while. Please do not log out, restart, or shutdown during this process. IMPORTANT: Do NOT logout or restart until you see the appropriate AutoCAD 2020 icon on your desktop.</Text>
			<PostActionBehavior Behavior="Nothing"></PostActionBehavior>

Note that I can’t use -Wait with Start-Process in the Powershell script, because the AutoCAD installer never returns a code that it is finished, so it would sit there forever. Instead I have to launch the process and let the Powershell script finish. That’s why I don’t want a completion notification for the user.

What is the text of the message you’re seeing? Is it displayed in a window where the use must acknowledge it, or is it a balloon popup from the BigFix Tray icon?


It’s a Windows notification (ie: balloon popup) from BigFix.

There is a task that can set some of the Balloon behavior but I am not sure that it will remove the messages entirely: Fixlet ID# 486 BES Client Setting: Client UI Balloon Mode Selection

“NoBalloon” Mode: If “NoBalloon” Mode is enabled, all messages will be displayed in the messaging dialog box.

I also wonder whether it might be related to _BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeUser
The default is to only show interfaces for messages with a UI. Can you check this value on some of the clients?


Viking, I do have other BigFix dialog windows appearing for messages to user. If no balloon is selected, then I assume the message for completion will still be displayed, just in a BigFix window instead?

JasonWalker, thanks I’ll check on this.

I am not sure. We never see completion messages here.