Help with "pathname of client folder of site "

(imported topic written by donald__small91)

I am creating an action to delete files from users’ temp folders. The action was created in a site called Helpdesk Site The action creates a batch file and places it in C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\CustomSite_Helpdesk_Site. In the line waithidden “{pathname of client folder of site “CustomSite_Helpdesk_Site” & “\RunQuiet.exe”}” I need to know what should go where it says “CustomSite_Helpdesk_Site”. The way it is written now, it is failing on that line.

delete __appendfile

delete purgeprofiletemp.bat

appendfile @ECHO OFF

appendfile for /d %%K in (“C:\Documents and Settings*”) do (del /S /F /Q “%%~fK\Local Settings\Temp*.*” >>C:\purge.log)

move __appendfile purgeprofiletemp.bat

waithidden “{pathname of client folder of site “CustomSite_Helpdesk_Site” & “\RunQuiet.exe”}” purgeprofiletemp.bat

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Hello Donald,

RunQuiet.exe is a utility that comes with the BESSupport site.

Since the BESSupport site is always available, you should pick up the util from that location:

wait “{pathname of client folder of site “bessupport” & “\RunQuiet.exe”}”

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by donald__small91)

Thank Lee. I tried that originally, but it doesn’t seem to work. The entire action completes according to BES, but the batch file never executes. that’s why I thought I had the wrong site and changed it to CustomSite_Helpdesk_Site.

(imported comment written by donald__small91)

We did open a command line ran as the SYSTEM account and manually launched the batch file that the fixlet created, and it works. But if the BigFix agent launches it, it doesn’t seem to do anything. can you try running this on your side and let me know how it works?

delete __appendfile

delete purgeprofiletemp.bat

appendfile @ECHO OFF

appendfile for /d %%K in (“C:\Documents and Settings*”) do (del /S /F /Q “%%~fK\Local Settings\Temp*.*” >>C:\purge.log)

move __appendfile purgeprofiletemp.bat

wait “{pathname of client folder of site “bessupport” & “\RunQuiet.exe”}” purgeprofiletemp.bat

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Runquiet is deprecated… Please try this instead:

delete __appendfile
delete purgeprofiletemp.bat

appendfile @ECHO OFF
appendfile for /d %%K in (“C:\Documents and Settings*”) do (del /S /F /Q “%%~fK\Local Settings\Temp*.*” >>C:\purge.log)
move __appendfile purgeprofiletemp.bat

waithidden cmd.exe /C purgeprofiletemp.bat

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(imported comment written by donald__small91)

Thanks Ben. That worked ou great!