Help with group target + relevance

(imported topic written by MT8D_Luis_Peralta)


I’m trying to create a group where all devices are EmployeeOwned = 1

Any ideas? As this does not seem to work.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Luis,

See if this works:

(value of setting “EmployeeOwned” of client = “1”)


(imported comment written by MT8D_Luis_Peralta)

Hi Ben,

Does this look right? Cause it still doesn’t seem to show any devices?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

I think you forgot the “of client” part…


(imported comment written by MT8D_Luis_Peralta)

Hey Ben

Just to confirm, would this change for the iOS devices since the field looks like it is “Device Ownership” and the var is “Organization”?

(imported comment written by MT8D_Luis_Peralta)

Awesome man! Thanks Ben.