Help to fix a relevance

Hi, everyone. Could someone help me fix this relevance?

(name of it)
of bes computers whose(operating system of it as lowercase as trimmed string contains "win" as trimmed string as lowercase)
of members of bes computer groups whose(
name of it as lowercase as trimmed string = "PCI" as trimmed string as lowercase

I need to list all the host that OS contains ‘win’ and the computer group is ‘PCI’

Thanks a lot!

You were quite close!

Try something like the following:

(name of it) of members whose (operating system of it as lowercase contains "win") of bes computer groups whose (name of it as lowercase = "All Native Clients" as lowercase)

members of <bes computer groups> already return a <bes computer> object, so, you don’t need to reference bes computers again. See for reference


It worked! Thank you very much

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A trick I like to use for building session relevance is to use the Excel connector. It’s a friendly way to build some of the less straight forward session relevance expressions using a wizard. Not exactly the same approach as the working one provided by @Aram but should accomplish the same and it does follow the efficient session relevance methodology.


With that said, I would love to see a Web Reports feature where you could build a report in the same way you do today and let you see session relevance code that Web Reports uses to produce it :wink:

It would be very interesting if we could see the WebReports source code.