HELP! Invalid Action Script - Download name is invalid

(imported topic written by wluo)

Please help!

To use IBM Enpoint Manager Console (Tivoli) to patch a Linux server, I first creat baseline for Linux servers, when I apply the baseline to patch a Linux server, I get the following error message:

Invalid Action Script

One of the actions in this multiple action group contains an invalid action script. Unable to parse action sctipt line 136:

Download name is invalid

You will need to fix this error before issuing the action.

Please let me know how to solve the above issue. Thank you.


(imported comment written by jgstew)

if you know what member action of the baseline is the issue, then you can figure out the component, then look at the actionscript of that component.

My guess is there is an issue with the download or prefetch command in one or all of the actions.

Do you have the SWD plugin setup on the root server?