(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Before running TakeActionFromFixlet.pl, the fixlet ID and Site ID have been acquired by Session Relevance.
When running TakeActionFromFixlet.pl, such error shows:
Can’t use string (“2147499519”) as a HASH ref while “strict refs” in use at C:/T
EM/TEMWrapper/BESAPI.pm line 28.
The error is for the code in TakeActionFromFixlet.pl:
my $siteID =
; # ID of the site where the Fixlet resides
my $fixletID = 3041; # ID of the Fixlet # Run GTS TSCM Evaluator on SCM511_ITCS104v8_WIN2K8 (3041)
my $action = 0;
BESAPI::CheckSigningKeys( $dsn, $username, $password, $privateKey );
my $fixlet = BESAPI::FixletMessage( $siteID, $fixletID, $username, $password );
The code in BESAPI.pm is like this:
my $besAPIObject = $self->{object};
Here I hope to get your help to fix this problem. Thanks a lot!
P.S. the code is attached