Hard drive details

Dear Team,

I need customized relevance for hard drive details

the below one provide me the details about HDD as in bytes so i need to convert this into GB

Q:((it as integer) of string values of selects "Size from Win32_DiskDrive WHERE size!=’’ " of wmi )
A: 500105249280

Q:((name of it & " - " & (total space of it / 1024 / 1024 /1024) as string & “GB”) | (name of it & " - Error")) of drives whose (type of it = “DRIVE_FIXED”)
A: C: - 151GB
A: E: - 312GB

Kindly suggest i need a result should be like this

For example

HDD total size: 500GB


Since you’ve already done the conversion to GB, are you only looking to add the total size to the answer? If so, how about:

"HDD total size: " & ((sum of total spaces of drives whose (type of it = "DRIVE_FIXED") as integer) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) as string & "GB";((name of it & " - " & (total space of it / 1024 / 1024 /1024) as string & "GB") | (name of it & " - Error")) of drives whose (type of it = "DRIVE_FIXED")


Yes, Thanks a lot @Aram