I’m trying to develop a better organization of our computers in BES and am wondering if there is an easy way to build a retrieve property based on IP range that I can build automatic groups on for our geographical sites globally? We currently have our systems organized only with AD group membership, but that’s proving to be an issue for patch/product deployment because AD group membership isn’t fully accurate. If I could organize the systems in BES by our geographical sites, that would make not only patching easier, but also the setup of our site admins for BES.
You can’t strictly make hierarchies like this, you can make two properties… “State” and “Building Type”. With these two properties, you filter with the natural tree capabilities of the console: By State > California > By Building Type > Factory… or even: By Building Type > Factory > By State > California.
So Ben, are you saying to setup retrieve properties for each of the things we want to sort on, and the console will organize them in a “tree” format on its own?
Hi Tony! Yes, as you drill down into the BigFix tree it will recurse and filter. To demonstrate this behavior, go to Computers > By Retrieved Properties and start expanding nodes.
I guess what I’m missing is that when I use the location property wizard and setup a IP range retrieve property; it doesn’t show up under the “By Retrieve Property” folder structure. The only place I see those custom properties is when (for example) I’m creating Automatic groups. Am I missing something to make the group show up in that list?