I’m trying to get the version of the outlook with a quite simple analysis but it’s happenning a weird issue.
My relevance is as simple as this:
version of regapp “outlook.exe”
Well, the thing is, that I’m getting the correct major version but the minor version is incorrect. For example, with my pc I get version 14.0.6025.1000 (with the analysis) but if I have a look in the outlook client, I see the version is 14.0.6112.5000. It’s not a big difference but I need to know exactly which version we have.
My first test would be finding the value in registry(14.0.6112.5000) and then trying to modify the relevance.
Then i would try to find the other version and identify why there is a mismatch in the version.
Thanks for the replies. I noticed that bigfix is working well since the version I get in the client (14.0.6112.5000) is for the microsoft office suite and the client itself has the 14.0.6025.1000 version number.