Getting stuck on SAML setup - help?

I’m stuck and can’t get SAML working for the console. I do have SAML working for the WebUI. My root server is different than my webUI server. And I have another server where the console is installed and intending for my operators to use that via RDP.

When I attempt a SAML sign in from the console, I get what looks like an HTML error page, but I can’t figure out where the web page is loading from…

In the console, I’m connecting to (we are using an alternate port not 52311) and SAML is checked on. Am I supposed to use anything different like

I’ve set _WebUI_AppServer_Hostname on my root server to my webUI server hostname:
I can route to my identity provider URL from root, console, and webui servers.

In case it makes any difference, all servers have DNS aliases. These were in place before any of the servers were installed.

I checked with my identity provider/SAML configuration and both and are added as consumer URLS, using POST.

We use PingID.

Any hints/tips? What else can I do to troubleshoot?

make sure your console box and your IdP server can connect each other.
More precisely, be sure the console can resolve and connect to (ping) the IdP server you defined in the WebUI SAML configuration page and your IdP server is able to resolve your console box hostname

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A post was split to a new topic: SAML - generating metadata