Get name of a file from a collection

(imported topic written by CarolineTyler91)

I have the need to identify a file by a combination of name filtering and newest modification date.

I need both the modification date and the name of the file, this is what I have so far…

if (exists ((descendants of folder “C:\folder”) whose (name of it contains “full”)))


(maximum of (modification times of ((descendants of folder “C:\folder”) whose (name of it contains “full”)))as string)


(“No Full file found found”)

How do I return both the name and file modification date? and then use that file name in the following…

(line (number of lines of it) of (file “Full1.log” of folder “C:\folder”) contains “Final Mode Completed”)

…where Full1.log was the returned file from the first portion of code.

(imported comment written by jessewk)

Try this post:

(imported comment written by CarolineTyler91)

Thanks - that worked great