Get computers based on Baseline name

Hi @TimRice, @trn and @JasonWalker,
I’ve created a property with the following relevance:

exists (values of header "Subject" of it) of relevant fixlets whose ((value of header "X-Fixlet-Type" of it as string as lowercase contains "baseline") and ((Value of Header "Subject" of it) as string = "Patching - Monthly")) of sites

and when looking at my baseline, I really see that all my computers that applicable to this baseline, have “True” in this custom property I’ve created.
but I have an issue now that when creating Automatic group with this property equals/contains “true”, I have 0 results at the reporting computers.

you can see the screenshots attached here:
1. Here are the Property details:

2. Baseline details:

3. Automatic Group details:

4. Edit Automatic Group:
and yes, I did check that there is no space before and after the “True” string :slight_smile:

can you/someone please assist with it?

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The <fixlet> inspectors can provide important information about the fixlets at any site. These inspectors only work in the context of property evaluation, not Fixlet evaluation.

Used in the context of group membership, I think ‘relevant fixlets’ would fail to evaluate just as it would fail to evaluate as part of Fixlet relevance. It’s been discussed in the forum before, but basically allowing a Fixlet/Group relevance to evaluate ‘fixlet’ could get it into an infinite loop as it could be evaluating itself.

You may be able to send a Policy Action to the clients, evaluate this clause as part of a Relevance Substitution inside the action script and use it to configure a client setting, and then use the client setting’s results as part of your group relevance.

but as per my understanding (maybe I’m wrong), once I have a property and computers show values within this property, like in my screenshot here:

then I should be able to query this property with it’s value in an Automatic group.
Am I wrong about it?

Simple fix should be to edit the Automatic Group definition so that rather than trying to check the value of “IsRelevantToPatchingBaseline”, you select “Relevance Expression” from the list and click the “Edit Relevance” button, then past the Relevance into the dialog box.

Because the Relevance will return TRUE or FALSE, that is all you should need to do.

I’ve tried it already before (sorry for not mentioning that), still the same result:

when running the same query on FixLet Debugger with “Local Client Evaluator” I have correct results (“True”) and everything is fine, I must say that when switching back to “Local Fixlet Debugger Evaluator” my results are “false”.
more than that, when I’m using the WebReports, I can see my desired property and it’s desired values.
how can it be that Automatic groups cannot show me the list of computers applicable to the property/relevanceexpression?
Where am I doing wrong?

Yeah, Interesting. I hadn’t actually tried it myself until just now.

I created an Automatic Group with the Relevance clause, and after 30 minutes, I’ve only gotten two Windows computers to join the group, both WinXP systems running very old BES Clients.

The computer I run my Console from tells me that it evaluates the clause as “TRUE” in Fixlet Debugger.

I think @JasonWalker is correct.

OK then @JasonWalker and @TimRice,
as using the action script to update clients settings locally on them it’s a bit problematic for currently, I’ll use the webreports only to filter this data.
thank you guys