Get analysis with relevance query

You aren’t explaining what you want at all well.
We’ve all seen the list of site types, even for me, typing this on a phone, the screenshot doesn’t explain what you are trying to do.
What session relevance do you have already and what are the differences between the results you get and the results you want?

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(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (analysis flag of it AND evaluation period of it as string = “00:00:00” AND not external sites of it)

like this but this not working


As suggested above, we’ll need more details/information to provide further guidance here.

What specifically is not working? Please provide an example of what the above returns vs. what you would like returned.

(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (analysis flag of it AND evaluation period of it as string = “00:00:00” AND not master site flag of source analysis of it )

if ill do this its return to me all the properties without the master site - this work good

if i want all of the properties without thoes that in external site

(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (analysis flag of it AND evaluation period of it as string = “00:00:00” AND not external site flag of source analysis of it )
this not work


So, you want all properties that are not in an external site?

In that case, the form is very similar to above (we specifically include only those in master site, custom sites, or operator sites):

(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (analysis flag of it AND evaluation period of it as string = "00:00:00" AND master site flag of source analysis of it AND custom site flag of source analysis of it AND operator site flag of source analysis of it)

Alternatively, you can specify all ‘custom’ properties:

(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (analysis flag of it AND evaluation period of it as string = "00:00:00" AND custom flag of it)


it return:

“Results: 0 item returend”:persevere:
and its wrong

My mistake :slight_smile: I AND'd the site flags together above, and they should be OR'd together (this is what I get for not testing!):

(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (evaluation period of it = "00:00:00" as time interval AND (master site flag of source analysis of it OR custom site flag of source analysis of it OR operator site flag of source analysis of it))

Also, if you want this to return properties that are not in analyses, but also have an evaluation period of ‘Every Report’:

(display name of site of source analysis of it | "n/a", name of it) of bes properties whose (evaluation period of it = "00:00:00" as time interval AND (if exists source analysis of it then master site flag of source analysis of it OR custom site flag of source analysis of it OR operator site flag of source analysis of it else true))

yesssss finely you guys understand me:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::smiley::smiley::smiley::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

thank you very much!!!



(display name of site of source analysis of it, name of it) of bes properties whose (analysis flag of it AND evaluation period of it as string = “00:00:00” AND master site flag of source analysis of it AND custom site flag of source analysis of it AND operator site flag of source analysis of it)

how i add to this only those that activate

You should add that property, if it exists, as a filter to the whose clause.
To check whether the property you need is available you can start here:

Your relevance is looking for content in a site that is in the master site AND in a custom site AND in an operator site.
It will return nothing because those conditions are mutually exclusive.


can you halp me with the relevance?:pray::pray::pray:


its work but i want only those that activates

Look at

Hint: it is the link to the documentation that @aram gave you