FixletDebugger on OSX using WineBottler

I have the Windows Fixlet Debugger working on OS X bundled into a .app using WineBottler.

**Download here:

Note: This will be running under the WINE context, which thinks it is Windows XP. This will not work with OS X only relevance, and it may not work with all Windows based relevance either. I have not tested this enough to know what works and what doesn’t, but I still think this could be useful.

You can recreate what I did by downloading WineBottler and use the following settings:

All files in folder, Set DirectDraw to GDI

This may be an option for many Windows Only utilities on OS X. The Session Relevance Tester comes to mind.



I have updated this post with a newer version of the Fixlet Debugger that runs on OS X using WINE, and not only that, but it is now signed by me, so it will run without warnings if gatekeeper is set to “Mac App Store and Identified Developers”. You can also be assured that the binaries haven’t been modified since I signed them.

Download it here: