(imported topic written by boostaz191)
The action has been run 1 time, and will not be run again.
The action failed.
Completed: if (Value “version” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRW Auto Install\Visio.exe” of registry=“12.0.4518.1014”)
Completed: action parameter query “MSPFILE” with description “Please enter the location of the MSP file” With default " "
Completed: wait “\Servername\bigfixnull$\Visio Professional 2007\setup.exe” /adminfile “{parameter “MSPFILE” of action}”
Completed: regset "
http://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRW Auto Install\Visio.exe
" “Install”=“0”
Completed: regset "
http://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRW Auto Install\Visio.exe
" “Version”=(version of regapp “VISIO.exe” as string)
Completed: endif
(imported comment written by BenKus)
Hi boostaz1,
If this is a Fixlet, the action will Fail if the original relevance is still TRUE when the Fixlet finishes… If you want the action to instead say “Completed” when all lines run successfully, you can change it to a Task or you can change the “Success Criteria” when you take an action.
More info here: http://support.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/kbdirect.pl?id=68
(imported comment written by boostaz191)
in my relevance im checking to see if "
http://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRW Auto Install\Visio.exe
" “Install”=“1” so the relevance should change to false after the install is compelte. I am of course not using this syntax. the syntax actually works in qna.
(imported comment written by BenKus)
Hi boostaz1,
Can you please post your relevance and also the version of the BES Agent you are using?
(imported comment written by boostaz191)
Value “version” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRW Auto Install\Visio.exe” of registry=“12.0.4518.1014” and Value “Install” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TRW Auto Install\Visio.exe” of registry=“1”
(imported comment written by boostaz191)
what im trying to do here is create a list of installable applications in the registry which I can then update and have a single fixlet perform the install of the correct version of the application. In the end this section of the registry will have all the applications we offer with the intall bit set to off, when we want to install an application then we just change the bit and the software will install without having to request it from bitgix.