Finding out if the logged-on user has Teams installed and running

It’s an AAD account. Does this not work with AAD?

I’m not at all sure; I wasn’t aware of a limitation around this but I don’t have an AAD handy with which to test.

Hoping someone else with AAD configured can try this out and report here?

Sorry, got everything but AAD :confounded:

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Can you try these? Again in ‘local client evaluation mode’. This should show whether we can resolve AAD accounts to SIDs and whether we can create the user object from a SID instead of from a logged on user.

q: names of logged on users

q: sids of logged on users

q: user keys of logged on users

q: names of users of sids of logged on users

q: home directory folders of users of sids of logged on users

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See below. Obfuscated of course

q: names of logged on users
A: UserName
T: 0.021 ms

q: sids of logged on users
A: AzureAD\UserName
T: 0.018 ms

q: user keys of logged on users
A: HKEY_USERS\S-1-12-1-111111111111111
T: 0.018 ms

q: names of users of sids of logged on users
T: 0.000 ms

q: home directory folders of users of sids of logged on users
T: 0.000 ms

@JasonWalker since the SID seems to be working how would I use that to get the path of the logged in user?

I think we’ve looped back around to your original working relevance - finding that sid in the ProfileList registry path.

The ‘user of logged on user’ inspector documents it as specifically a link between Active Directory and a logged-on user, so I think that’s where AAD has a gap in the inspector per

Ok I am trying to go down that path but getting tripped up over finding a file in the path. This works:

exists folders "Teams" whose ( exists folders "current" of it ) of folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft" of folders ( value "ProfileImagePath" of keys whose ( name of it = ( component string of sid of logged on user whose ( active of it = True ) as string ) ) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry as string )

But this does not:

exists folders "Teams" whose ( exists folders "current" **whose ( exists files whose ( name of it = "Teams.exe" ) of it )** of it ) of folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft" of folders ( value "ProfileImagePath" of keys whose ( name of it = ( component string of sid of logged on user whose ( active of it = True ) as string ) ) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry as string )

I’m banging my head trying to figure out why looking for the file in the folder path does not work but it can find the folder.

Edit: I ran this, and it resolves to the path of the profile instead of the subfolder path:

q: pathname of folders "Teams" whose ( exists folders "current" of it ) of folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft" of folders ( value "ProfileImagePath" of keys whose ( name of it = ( component string of sid of logged on user whose ( active of it = True ) as string ) ) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry as string )
A: C:\Users\UserName
T: 0.064 ms

I think that is the key issue. It is not treating the path as a folder but rather a string.

Is this a file permissions issue? Perhaps LocalSystem is explicitly blocked, or access is excessively restricted?

No because this works:

if (exists folders "Teams" whose (exists folders "current" whose (exists files whose (name of it = "Teams.exe") of it) of it) of folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft" of folders (name of logged on user whose (active of it = True)) of folders "c:\users") then ( if ( exists process "teams.exe" ) then ( "Running" ) else ( "Not Running" ) ) else ("Not Installed")

The only issue with the above is it does not work if the username and profile path name differ which is why I opted to go with the ProfileImagePath instead.

It comes down to the NUL character at the end of the REG_EXPAND_SZ type of the ProfileImagePath Value. The NUL is printed as %00 in the Fixlet Debugger normally:

Q: (substring (0, length of it - 1) of it, it) of ((values "ProfileImagePath" of keys whose (name of it = "S-1-5-21-2861335655-1386391147-1020760451-500") of keys "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry) as string) 
A: C:\Users\Administrator, C:\Users\Administrator%00
T: 0.402 ms

When evaluating using the Client, you can’t see the NUL.

Q: (substring (0, length of it - 1) of it, it) of ((values "ProfileImagePath" of keys whose (name of it = (component string of sid of logged on user whose (active of it = True) as string )) of keys "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry) as string)
A: C:\Users\Administrator, C:\Users\Administrator


Q: exists folders "Teams" whose (exists folders "current" of it ) of folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\" of folders (substring (0, length of it - 1) of ((value "ProfileImagePath" of key whose (name of it = (component string of sid of logged on user whose (active of it = True) as string )) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry) as string))
A: True


Q: exists folders "Teams" whose (exists folders "current" whose (exists files whose (name of it = "Teams.exe") of it) of it ) of folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\" of folders (substring (0, length of it - 1) of ((value "ProfileImagePath" of key whose (name of it = (component string of sid of logged on user whose (active of it = True) as string )) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" of native registry) as string))
A: True

Not sure why, but for some reason, the quotes appear unbalanced in the code above. Check closely if you copy it from here…

Thank you! You’re right I didn’t see the NUL. In fact, I saw another forum post that referenced this and I ignored it because I didn’t see it there either. Lesson learned always trust in the solutions on here no matter what your eyes tell you LOL

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I’m glad I could help.