Find Existing "non-local" users on client and


I need to create a report where BigFix has to show me the SID or (better) Name of all domain users at least logged once on every computer in my domain and the value inside a specific registry key of every specific user.

I’ll give you an example :
On my client there are 3 domain users : p5073, p3735, p4117 logged on or that have logged in at least once. There is this value “Prepared” in HKEY_USERS[SID of user]\NUAR that I need to check for every user on every client.

Is there a way to create an Analysis or a Report to have something like this

Computer Name; user 1, value of Prepared; user 2, value of Prepared; and so on… ?

I’ve found a way to retrieve the SID and I’m able to check and retrieve the value of the previous mentioned value of key but I’m not able to put the two things together.

For SID I’m using: (string values of selects "SID FROM Win32_UserProfile" of wmis),value "Preparato" of key "NUAR" of current user of registry
For Value I’m using :(value "Preparato" of key "NUAR" of current user key (logged on users) of registry as String)

Any advice or suggestion would be really appriciated

Thank you.

You can only check HKEY_User registry keys for users who are currently logged on. When they log off, Windows unmounts their registry hive.

Well that was quick. Thank you.