Filter within Analysis for a custom report

I have an Analysis called “Custom Analysis - Windows”, it has two properties. “Agent Version” and “Type”. I’m looking to get the Agent version for only Type “Server”.

This counts up all the agent versions of everything.

(item 1 of it , item 0 of it) of (multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of values of results of bes properties whose (name of it = “Agent Version” and name of source analysis of it = “Custom Analysis - Windows” )

I’ve tried a few variations, but i’m unable to see how I tie the type and agent version together for a filter.

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The quickest and easiest way to get this data is using web reports.

Start by using explore data then add the columns Device Type & Agent version (remove what you don’t need).

Now apply a filter (Computer) Device Type (contains) Server

Now create a graph on Agent Type and you’ll have every computer version for your servers.

My example screenshot shows it slightly different as I only have servers in my environment however I have filtered to show virtual servers only.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Yea, I am able to do that, but I have a need to build a custom report showing multiple data points. I’m not able to see the relevance that is generated by this to use in my customer report.

Here is where i’m at, I can not figure out how to filter the Fixlet on another property that I’m getting results on:

(item 1 of it , item 0 of it) of (multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of values
whose (it != “”) of results of properties
whose (name of it = “Version” or name of it =“Windows Type”) of BES Fixlets
whose (analysis flag of it and name of it = “Custom Analysis - Windows Agent” )

will return this:

My goal is to only return the “Versions” for the Windows Type= “Server”.

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I’m typing on a phone now so I don’t want to reproduce your exact query; but the main problem you’ll have is that the results of one property aren’t linked to the results of the other. What I mean is you’re retrieving all results (from every computer) for Version, and all results (for every computer) for “Windows Type”.

You need to instead iterate through the computers and retrieve both results, filtering on the “Windows Type” result to limit to Servers.

@brolly33 has an excellent blog posting on how to do this efficiently; you’ll find a link to his blog posting, and what I hope are helpful tips on processing it via curl, at this thread Bes Properties that are not set or unkown causing relevance query issue

Please post back and let us know whether this helps!