(imported topic written by JamesN91)
Need to create a results file with specific file names.
DATE_Logged in user_Machine name.csv
This relevance does that
current year as string & current month as two digits & current day_of_month as two digits & “_” & name
of logged on user as string & “_” & computer name as string & “.csv”
Here is the relevance I need to embed the new naming convention with. Basically replace “doc_inv.txt” with the above relevance.
parameter “outputfile” = “{pathname of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe”}\doc_inv.txt”
waithidden {pathname of system folder}\cmd.exe /C dir /s /b c:.txt, c:.doc, c:.docx, c:.docm, c:.dotm, c:.xls, c:.xlsx, c:.xlsm, c:.xlsb, c:.xlam, c:.pptx, c:.pptx, c:.potx, c:.potm, c:.ppam, c:.ppsx, c:.ppsm, c:.accdb, c:.accde, c:.accdt, c:.accdr, c:.mdb, c:.ppt, c:.pdf, c:.zip, c:.rtf >"{parameter “outputfile”}"
I tried simply making it "… “besclient.exe”}\current year as string & current month as two digits & current day_of_month as two digits & “_” & name
of logged on user as string & “_” & computer name as string & “.csv”
The result is a file nane of the relevance statement.
If I add parenthesis then it fails.
Any help would be great!