File exists and modification time is < now -24*hour

(imported topic written by jcsUTSW)

I’m looking for a specif log file that’s been modified in the past 24 hours.

What’s the correct way to check the following relevance?

exists “path\to\filename” whose modification time is < now - 1*day

I’ve seen posts on how to check folders to see if there are files that have been modified but not any where I can look at a specific file.

Any help appreciated.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Hi Jason,

Maybe you can try the following:

q: (name of it, modification time of it) of files whose ((now - modification time of it) < 2*day) of folder “c:\temp”

A: test.log, ( Tue, 10 Feb 2009 18:11:09 -0800 )

A: test.log.bak, ( Tue, 10 Feb 2009 18:10:56 -0800 )

q: exists files whose ((now - modification time of it) < 2*day) of folder “c:\temp”

A: True