I should clarify that if you distribute BFArchive with your action, or cache it on the client using the 6.0 utility caching capabilites, then you can use bfarchive instead of the extract command. This will give you full ability to control the target destination.
Do you know of anyway to maintian the Dates associated with the files? Both the Extract and BFArchive re-dates the files. So when we do a Robocopy against the folder it has to recopy down all the files.
You should be able to test it outside of BES. Are you sure you have the latest bfarchive (linked above)? Are you sure the destination directory exists and the source file exists?
Hey Brolly, did you say that you were able to view Bigfix tmp files using Winzip? Can you tell me how, when I tried using Winzip 11 it came back that it isnt an archive.
When I was on BES 5.x I was able to open the .tmp files created by the Windows Software Distribution Wizard using Winzip. I do not recall the version of Winzip.
I just tried it again on BES 6.x with WinZip 11 and you are correct. It does not work.
It appears that winzip is still not able to decompress a file that is compressed via bfarchive.exe. Is there any workaround? i want to see the contents of my .compressed files without using bfarchive.